Prevent Allergy Triggers Inside the Home

Spring is here, which means many people are suffering from seasonal allergies. There are ways you can turn your home into a safe haven to help reduce your symptoms. My Father’s Mechanical lists some suggestions below to help prevent your allergies from being triggered inside your home.

Think About How You Dust

The direction in which you dust and what you use to dust can actually irritate your allergies more. If you dust from the bottom to the top, you’re spreading dust to the areas that you just cleaned. If you use a feather duster, you are not trapping the dust particles. Rather, you are just spreading them around your home. Use a damp microfiber cloth and dust from the top to the bottom instead.

Change the Air Filters

Change your air filters every 30 days to make sure that they are clean and filtering the indoor air properly. If you suffer from severe allergies, it might be wise to purchase an air filtration system for each room that either grabs the dust and particles through air recirculation or through magnetic attraction. The former tends to work better than the latter does.

Wash Your Bedding Regularly

If you wake up sneezing and stuffed up, your bedding is dirty. It’s important to keep your bed as clean as possible to limit the number of pollens that make their way onto your bedding. Spring clean your mattress and also wash your pillows this time of year to get rid of any pollen that has built up over the winter. Make your bed every day to avoid pollen getting on the sheets.

Close the Windows

We know it stinks, but closing your windows and doors will help make sure that pollen doesn’t get inside your home. It’s especially important to keep them closed during the dawn and at night because this is when the plants release the most pollen. Definitely keep your doors and windows closed if the wind is blowing dust and pollen around outside.

Clean Your A/C and Duct System

Finally, now is a good time to have an air conditioning maintenance service to make sure that the system is clean as well as the air ducts and vents. Even with your windows closed, you will suffer from allergies if your air ducts are clogged with dust, pollen, and mold. An A/C maintenance service allows us to check for possible irritants throughout the system to help control your allergies.

Call My Father’s Mechanical in San Antonio TX, today to schedule an appointment for an air conditioning and air duct maintenance and cleaning service.