Should I Invest in a Dehumidifier for My Home?

There are many advantages to a dehumidifier, especially during our hot and muggy summers in San Antonio. My Father’s Mechanical can install a dehumidification system in your home to make the air tolerable, even refreshing. Let’s talk about the reasons why people have dehumidification systems in their homes so you can see what some of the advantages of a dehumidifier are.

Air Purification

One perk to a dehumidification system is that they also work to purify your indoor air. You may have outside air seeping into your home if the indoor air is muggy and hot. This also means you have outdoor pollutants seeping in, as well. A dehumidifier will purify the outside air coming into your home so it is clean and fresh. You won’t have outside particulates in your indoor air.

Prevents Mold/Mildew

Warm and wet conditions are the perfect growing conditions for mold and mildew. A dehumidifier helps reduce the growth of this dangerous fungus in your home. People with compromised respiratory systems particularly suffer if mildew and mold are growing in their homes. In fact, certain types of molds can be deadly. Let us install a dehumidification system in your home to prevent mold and mildew dangers.

Lower Energy Costs

Humidity makes your home feel hotter and causes you to turn down the thermostat to encourage the air conditioner to run more often. Humid air is heavy and oppressive. A dehumidification system will lighten the indoor air and make it feel cooler. You will be able to run your air conditioner at a higher temperature and reduce your energy bills all summer long with dehumidified indoor air.

Reduced Condensation

Are you tired of mildewy towels and washcloths? What about foggy windows? Dehumidifying your home reduces indoor moisture and, as we mentioned above, mildew growth. This helps all of the soft surfaces in your home including your furniture, curtains, and carpet. Your home should not feel wet and “foggy.” A dehumidification system can help prevent the indoors from feeling this way.

Reduced Irritation

Finally, your skin, hair, and sinuses will thank you once you install a dehumidification system. Humidity makes you hot, uncomfortable, and wet. Hot and humid air can also clog the sinuses. If you dehumidify your indoor air, you will no longer suffer from the oppressive feeling humidity gives you. Dehumidifying the indoor air also helps those with respiratory issues linked to hot and humid conditions.

Call My Father’s Mechanical in San Antonio, TX, today if you would like more information on dehumidification systems for your home.