Tips to Get Your Air Conditioner Ready for the Summer

Are you ready for summer yet? We here at My Father’s Mechanical sure are. Spring is the perfect time for a service visit to make sure that your air conditioner is also ready for summer. There are things that you can do, which we will list below, and there are things that we can do to make sure you can rely on your AC unit to keep your home as comfortable as possible once the summer heat hits.

Change the Filter

Make sure to change your air conditioner’s filter so that you are protected from the dirt, dust, and pollen that accompanies spring. You should actually change the filter every 30 days unless you buy an air filter that is designed to last longer.

Clean the Pipe

Depending on where your air conditioner is located you may have a condensate pipe that needs to be cleaned. This pipe can get clogged with algae, dirt, and rust. Clean the pipe with an approved cleaner to make sure it doesn’t clog.

Check the Unit

If you have a ground AC unit, clean the area around it to make sure it doesn’t draw in any dirt, leaves, sticks, or grass clippings. You should always make sure that the area around your air conditioning unit is free of debris.

Clean the Evaporator Coil

Now is a good time to clean the external evaporator coil. You can use an approved coil cleaner or you can clean the coil gently with dishwasher soap and distilled water. When you rinse the coil, use a little bit of white vinegar.

Clean the Ducts

If you don’t feel like cleaning your ducts, we can do it for you. Again, spring is the time for allergies, and if you suffer from them, you want to make sure that your AC ductwork is free of pollens and other contaminants such as mold.

Refrigerant Check

This is also something that we can do for you if you don’t feel you want to do it yourself. Every year, you should have the refrigerant levels checked in your air conditioning unit to make sure you have enough refrigerant to keep your home cool and comfortable.

Schedule a Check-Up

Finally, call us to schedule an air conditioning checkup. We will not only check your unit internally and externally to make sure that none of the parts need to be replaced, but we will also check the electrical connections to your AC to make sure they are tight.

My Father’s Mechanical in San Antonio, TX, is an air conditioning expert. Call us today for spring air conditioning system maintenance.