Spring is here, and if you are dreading your air conditioning bills in the summer, My Father’s Mechanical has the following tips to help you reduce the utility bill. Some of these things may require renovation to the interior and exterior of your home. These renovations are small, however, and things you can do over the weekend. Let’s talk more about ways to reduce your air conditioning bill.
Plant Shade Trees
One thing you can do is plant trees in your yard that will provide your home with shade when they are fully grown. Make sure to plant them far enough away from your home’s foundation so that their roots will not damage it. You want trees that will provide a canopy to prevent the sun from hitting your home.
Use Window Coverings
You can also use window coverings to protect the interior of your house from the sun’s hot rays. Close the blinds and drapes during the day to keep the inside of your home cooler. You can also install shades on the outside of each window to help prevent the sun from beating through them.
Use a Smart Thermostat
Install or let us install a smart thermostat in your home if you don’t already have one. These thermostats are programmable and you can preset them to turn up the AC so it doesn’t run as much during the day when you are at work and the kids are at school. This will help reduce your utility bill.
Use Ceiling and Floor Fans
It’s also an excellent idea to use ceiling and floor fans to circulate the air through the home. This helps you feel cooler so you can run the air conditioner at a higher temperature. Make sure that the ceiling fans are set to the summer setting and that the floor fans are energy-efficient.
Seal the Door and Window Leaks
Hot air can seep into your home from the outside through leaks in the doors and windows. If you haven’t done so in years, inspect the doors and windows and use the proper sealant to seal the leaks.
Turn Off the Stove
Running your stove and oven in the summer heats up your house, so plan to do a lot of barbecuing outside. If you turn off the stove, you will save the indoor space from excess heat that will cause your air conditioner to run more often.
Finally, call My Father’s Mechanical in San Antonio, TX, today to schedule a service appointment for your air conditioner. We will inspect it and make any necessary repairs to ensure it runs as efficiently as possible.