Ways to Keep My Home Warmer This Winter

The temperatures have dropped and you’ve switched from the air conditioner to the furnace. You do not want an expensive heating bill each month. There are ways you can keep your home warmer in the winter. This helps the furnace run less often and reduces your heating bills.

Bring In Heat

After the sun has risen, open your window treatments to allow the sun to shine into your home. This solar energy will heat up the house a few degrees. Leave the window treatments open all day to brighten things up and allow the sun’s heat to move through the house as it moves in the sky. If the day is an unusually warm one, open the doors and windows to allow the warm air in.

Trap the Heat

The sun is only hot when it is shining through your windows. Once the sun sets, it’s time to trap the solar heat in your home. Do this by closing everything up, including the window treatments. If you have been considering replacing your window treatments, now is an excellent time to do so. Make sure to purchase curtains and blinds that block the cold air in the winter and the hot air in the summer.

Close the Fireplace Flue

If you enjoy a warm fire at night, make sure to close the flue in the morning after the fire has died completely. The flue allows cold air to come into the house through the chimney. As such, you may notice it feels colder near the fireplace when you don’t have a fire burning. Make sure the fire is completely out and the ashes are cold before you close the flue to avoid CO poisoning.

Set the Ceiling Fans to Winter

It’s also time to set the ceiling fan blades to turn clockwise during the winter. Keep the ceiling fans running on low all the time. When the blades turn clockwise, the hot air that rises to the ceiling is pushed back down into each room. You should feel less air coming from the ceiling fan when it is on its winter setting. Most ceiling fan blades head in the clockwise direction when set for winter.

Finally, make sure cold air is not entering the home from unsealed doors and windows. If anything needs to be sealed, seal it now. Also, schedule a service appointment for your heater. We will make sure the heater is running as efficiently as possible to save you money on your heating bills this winter.