What Are the Benefits of an Air Conditioner Tune-Up?

You may think that your air conditioner doesn’t need a tune-up, but this service is as important to your home’s air conditioning system as it is to your automobile. There are many benefits that you will realize if you keep your air conditioner in good shape. Summer is here, and now is the time for an AC tune-up. My Father’s Mechanical lists the benefits below.

Increased Efficiency

The primary reason to have your air conditioner tuned up every year is to ensure that it is operating as efficiently as possible. This gives us a chance to check to see if there are any parts that need to be replaced. It also gives us the opportunity to check your refrigerant levels. As with your automobile, AC tune-ups make sure the system is operating at top efficiency.

Decreased Costs

Naturally, when the air conditioner is operating efficiently, you will see a reduction in your utility bills. In fact, a clear sign that your air conditioner is having problems is an increase in the costs to run it. The AC tune-up helps to reduce your electrical bills so you won’t feel is guilty about running your air conditioner so you can remain cool and comfortable inside even though it’s hot and humid outside.

Decreased Repairs

As we mentioned above, this air conditioner service allows us to find parts that are wearing down and need to be replaced before they break down completely. As such, annual AC services help prevent the need for repairs in the middle of summer when you need your air conditioner the most. As with your automobile, it keeps the air conditioner in tiptop running shape so it doesn’t need to be repaired.

Increased Comfort

As we also said, during the air conditioner maintenance check, we will assess the levels of refrigerant in the system. If it needs to have more refrigerant added, we will do so. This increases the cooling comfort inside your home, as does an efficiently running AC. If you have little ones, it also keeps them cool and comfortable and reduces the “I’m hot” whines.

Extended Lifespan

Finally, a well-maintained air conditioner is going to last much longer than one that isn’t maintained. On average, most people get about 10 years out of their air conditioning systems. Your system may last longer if you take good care of it.

Call My Father’s Mechanical in San Antonio, TX, to schedule an AC tune-up. This service is not expensive and it will ensure that you are cool and comfortable all summer long.