Signs I Need a New Furnace

Fall is here and it’s the perfect time to get your furnace serviced to make sure it is operating as it should be and will do so all winter long. My Father’s Mechanical would be happy to come out and service your furnace as well as inspect it to make sure you can count on it throughout the winter months. If you can’t count on your furnace, we will let you know and discuss with you in detail why we believe your furnace needs to be replaced. There are also signs that you need a new furnace that we will list below.

Your Furnace Is Old

Age is a factor in determining how many years your furnace has left. On average, a household furnace will last 15 to 20 years, but that’s about it. If your furnace is older than this, it doesn’t have much life in it, and it may be a good idea to replace it before the cold winter weather hits. You can’t miraculously get more years out of your furnace, but maintaining it will ensure you get the maximum number of years.

High Utility Bills

Another sign that you need to replace your furnace is abnormally high utility bills. This suggests that your furnace is not operating efficiently. It may be unable to heat your home, more on that below, and it may cycle constantly in an effort to maintain the temperature. When this happens, your furnace runs more often than it needs to and, as a consequence, you end up with extremely high utility bills. It might be time to install a new furnace that is more energy-efficient.

Your House Is Cold

If the furnace comes on yet your house is still cold, this can be a sign that the pilot light is out are that the furnace is too old. Check your pilot light to make sure it is lit. If it isn’t, light it to see if this solves the problem. If it doesn’t, it’s probably time to replace your furnace. An old furnace that is at the end of its life cannot warm your home properly, no matter where you have the thermostat set. Even if the house is warm, you may need to replace your furnace if it isn’t warm enough.

Something’s Strange

Finally, it might be time to replace your furnace if it looks damaged, if something smells funny, or if you hear strange sounds. Inspect your furnace to see if there is any corrosion, cracks, dents, or other signs of damage. If everything looks okay, pay attention to the smells that enter your home when the furnace turns on. When you turn it on for the first time, you will smell musty odors flowing out of the vents, but this should be temporary. You shouldn’t smell gas or any other strange odors.

You also shouldn’t hear any strange sounds such as banging or squealing. Screeching noises can also be an indication that your furnace needs to be replaced, so call My Father’s Mechanical in San Antonio, TX, right away for a furnace inspection.