Tips to Reduce Your Heating Bill This Fall and Winter

The holiday season is upon us and so is colder weather. If you are dreading your heating bills this winter, My Father’s Mechanical has some tips to help you reduce the cost to heat your home.

Close the Fireplace Damper

One hidden way that cold air can get into your home is through your fireplace. If you leave the damper open all the time, cold air is flowing down your chimney and entering the living space. It’s important that you keep your fireplace damper closed once it’s safe to do so after a comforting fire.

Seal All Air Leaks

Another way cold air makes its way into your home is through air leaks around your doors and windows. As the cold air is coming in, the hot air is seeping out. This can cause your furnace to run more often than necessary. Make sure to seal all your doors and windows to keep the heat inside.

Use a Programmable Thermostat

Another thing you can do is install a programmable thermostat if you don’t already have one. Programmed the thermostat to turn down at night when you are snuggled under the covers you can also turn the thermostat down during the day when nobody is home.

Use the Sunlight During the Day

Open up the blinds and curtains on the windows when the sun is shining. Allow the sun to shine into your home for some natural solar heat. Once the sun has moved to another window, close the blinds and curtains on the windows through which the sun is not shining.

Use Window Coverings at Night

Once the sun sets, close all of your blinds and curtains to make sure that you trap the solar heat your house received during the day. Make sure you have lines and curtains that are designed to block the cold air from coming in and the hot air from going out through your window panes.

Schedule Heater Maintenance

Finally, now is the ideal time to schedule your annual heater maintenance. This allows us to inspect your heater and make sure it is running as efficiently as possible. We can replace any worn parts and also clean the filters to make sure there are no airflow restrictions. An efficient furnace reduces your monthly heating bills.

Call My Father’s Mechanical in San Antonio, TX, today to schedule your furnace maintenance visit. We will make sure you get the most out of your furnace throughout the entire winter.