Why Is a High Utility Bill a Sign I Need a New HVAC Unit?

An unusually high utility bill is often a sign that you need a new heater and air conditioning unit. My Father’s Mechanical is going to list the reasons why below. Generally, an HVAC unit can last as long as 20 years if it is well cared for. This means heating inspections in the fall and air conditioning inspections in the spring. If you don’t know how old your HVAC unit is, it’s probably old enough that it needs to be replaced. If your utility bills are suddenly higher than normal, this, too, is a sign that the HVAC unit is too old. Don’t worry. We can install a customized HVAC system that is perfect for your home or business.

Cycling On and Off

One of the reasons why an old HVAC unit increases your utility bill is that it tends to cycle on and off more frequently than necessary. What this means is the unit runs more often than it would if it were running efficiently. Naturally, the more often the air conditioner or heater runs the more energy it uses. Consequently, you end up with high utility bills because your HVAC unit is cycling on and off too often. Replacing the unit with a new one will stop this constant cycling that is hitting your pocketbook.

Poor Air Circulation

An old HVAC unit may also have problems circulating the air throughout the home. Consequently, it will have to work harder to meet the temperature you have set on the thermostat. Again, any time the HVAC unit is working harder than normal it is using more energy. We may be able to rebuild a portion of the unit to increase the air circulation. If not, we will have to replace the HVAC unit with a new one that can circulate the air throughout the house or business to maintain the set temperature better.

Inefficient Operation

Finally, an old HVAC unit that hasn’t been serviced is not operating efficiently. There is no way that it can because internal parts have worn out. Regular HVAC maintenance allows us to replace these worn-out parts before they cause additional problems to the air conditioner or heater. One of the problems that wear and tear causes is an inability to operate efficiently, i.e., operate using as little energy as possible.

Call My Father’s Mechanical in San Antonio, TX, today if you have noticed a significant increase in your utility bills that cannot be attributed to a rate increase. It’s possible your HVAC unit is the source of the problem.